Donations in 2024 to local organisations.
H&F Foodbank
£3,000 - to support transport costs
Alexander Rose Charity
£2,000 - to support the Rose Vouchers programme for fruit and vegetable projects in the Borough
Barons Court Project
£3,000 - the only day centre in H&F who support people that are on a low income, the homeless and /or vulnerable to mental health issues towards a programme of activities, Brighton trip, women’s group
£800 - for Christmas lunches for homeless/ vulnerable adults, including presents of hats, socks and chocolates
Glass Door
£2,310 - to fund all direct running costs of one of their H&F women’s night shelters for two nights
Shepherds Bush Family Project
£3,000 - for early intervention parent and child drop in
Thomas’s Academy
£1,500 - subsidising the school residential in June, 45 children
£1,000 - towards the cost of a residential trip to Bushcraft in Kent, helping families on very low incomes
Music House for Children
£1,567 - to redecorate the registration/ parent area, corridor, teaching rooms
Kulan Foundation
£2,000 - towards stationary, books & paper to run the supplementary school & mental health workshops & sporting activities for youth and adults
Doorstep Library
£2,000 - to run the project on the Bayonne estate, offering weekly home-based reading sessions to children
Cat and Hutch
£350 - for family event at Fulham Library with live shows for the over 2s along with craft activities and music
Children Book Project
£3,000 - to fund three schools in the Discovery Programme gifting free books to pupils
Royal Trinity Hospice
£3,500 - Rapid Response Team for urgent home care dealing with patients in crisis
Asthma Relief
£1,000 - to provide nebulisers in hospitals in H&F
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
£2,000 - towards music therapy as an assessment and a rehabilitation tool
Maggie’s West London
£2,000 - to fund flag ship “ Where Now” course helping those who have finished their cancer treatment
Imperial Health
£500 - towards weekly Singing for Breathing programme at Charing X Hospital
Global Action for Autism
£300 - towards funding a coach for a seaside trip
The Naz Project
£1,000 - towards a Cost of Living Crisis Access Fund so residents can access mental/ physical healthcare
Lumi Foundation
£2,000 - weekly yoga class at WLW centre for refugees, migrants & asylum seekers
Fulham Reach Boat Club
£2,000 - towards a free watersports week for disadvantaged young people
Fulham Good Neighbours
£1,417 - day trip to Eastbourne for 50 people by coach including lunch
Lyric Hammersmith
£1,500 - towards the Community Ticket Bank to deliver free tickets to people in the community
Burnt Orange Theatre Company
£1,344 - to establish Youth Board and subsidise places for RiverScribes sessions with Riverside Studio
Women’s Trust
£2,000 - 1:1 counselling, specialist counselling sessions to women affected by domestic abuse
Bush Theatre
£1,500 - towards the free community programme, partnering with local schools - workshops and free tickets
West London Welcome
£2,500 - to replace oven to cook 200/300 meals 4 days /week
The Nourish Hub
£2,437 - offering educational opportunities & meals to those vulnerable to deprivation
All Saints Church Fulham
£2,000 - to contribute to the funding of a summer club for local children with mixed abilities and/ or needs
Citizens Advice
£2,000 - towards use of telephone interpreting services to assist vulnerable people to get the advice they need
Community Massage
£840 - to allow clients to receive 30 minute seated massage or reflexology to improve well-being
Christchurch Fulham
£2,150 - to fund the creation of a sensory room which is a safe space to bring children who are dysregulated by noise
Church Council of the Parish of St Eth’s and St Clement
£2,000 - towards music outreach in local schools
People in Need
Aspire Football
£1,250 - to pay for space for girls’ teams to train and play games in term time
£2,700 - workshops & equipment for activities in the playground & on day trips
Dance West
£990 - towards the Move to Health weekly classes for 60 +
Solidarity Sports
£2,500 - for the Grandparents Rock project, supporting grandparents of children facing precarious circumstances
This New Ground
£1,840 - to support the set-up of an inclusive & accessible new art studio at the Creighton Centre
The Brunswick Club for Young People
£2,000 - towards junior summer holiday scheme for children aged 7-11
The Sulgrave Club
£2,520 - towards taking children and young people on a residential trip to Hindleap Warren Outdoor Centre
Masbro Elders
£1,000 - to host a Christmas lunch for over 100, live music and gifts
The Harrow Club
£2,500 - towards a summer holiday activity programme at the new Tudor Rose Youth on Fulham Court estate
Ray’s Playhouse
£2,000 - healthy mid-morning snacks and cookery sessions for Stay & Play
£308 - to purchase 4 doll push chairs for Stay & Play
Sea Cadets
£1,885 - for camping equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, including tents, mission kits, 1st Aid kit etc
Kensington Athletic
£1,899 - to pay for equipment for adult and youth football teams, match & training ground fees and coaches